Navigating citizenship through European landscapes of criminalisation
November 2020 - Februar 2024
Project Description:
The CrimScapes project explores the expanding application of criminal law, crime control measures and imaginaries of (il)legality as both responses to, and producers of, the politics of threat and uncertainty that are currently expanding across the European region. Given the inherent tensions between democratic processes and ever-expanding legal regulations, the project investigates this growing reliance on criminal technologies and institutions as a challenge to the participatory nature of democratic societies, and as possible symptoms and causes of the general sense of turbulence that has come to dominate much of economic, social and political life. It works to analytically grasp the motivations behind, and challenges and implications of, criminalisation for the variety of actors and practices that (re-)shape entangled crimscapes - i.e. landscapes of criminalisation. With the support of secondary literature, archival research and interviews, project members will develop - for a variety of publics - CrimeLines (i.e. genealogical timelines) of seven European crimscapes (of drug use, migration, sex work, infectious diseases, the prison context, sexuality/gender, and hate speech). Additional ethnographic fieldwork will help to conceptualise - in publications and an EthnoGraphic Novel - the strategies, relations and citizenship dynamics of the implicated actors as they navigate democratic participation and freedoms with legal regulation and measures of crime control. Extracting from this empirical data, researchers will then highlight and open for discussion - with policy makers and other stakeholders - documented dilemmas of democratic governance so as to enhance the lived realities, rights-claims and desired futures of all implicated actors.
Vor dem Hintergrund des Spannungsverhältnis zwischen demokratischen Prozessen und wachsenden strafrechtlichen und polizeilichen Regulierungen untersucht das Projekt Kriminalisierung und Versicherheitlichung als Herausforderung für den partizipativen Charakter demokratischer Gesellschaften, konkret für die Rechte und Teilhabemöglichkeiten kriminalisierter Gruppen.
Mithilfe von Archivrecherchen, ethnografischer Forschung und der Analyse politischer Dokumente sowie der Sekundärliteratur werden die Projektmitarbeitenden mindestens sieben Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen europäischen Regionen und politischen Bereichen analysieren (Drogenkonsum, Migration, Sexarbeit, Infektionskrankheiten, Strafvollzug, Abtreibung und Hassrede). Ausgehend von diesen empirischen Daten werden die Forschenden Dilemmata demokratischen Regierens hervorheben und mit politischen Entscheidungsträger*innen und anderen Interessengruppen diskutieren.
Die Forschungsergebnisse werden in Form eines Zeitstrahls (CrimLine), als Blogposts, wissenschaftliche Publikationen und Konferenzpräsentationen sowie in einer GraphicNovel veröffentlicht.
Prof. Dr. Beate Binder (Project Leader)
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen:
Klara Nagel (assoziiert)
Collaborating Parners:
Université Paris Saclay, National Centre for Scientific Research, Centre for Sociological Research on Law and Criminal Justice Institutions
Dr. Mathilde Darley (Principle Investigator)
Dr. Jérémy Geeraert
University of Helsinki, Department of Social Sciences
Dr. Salla Sariola (Principle Investigator)
Juulia Kela
Jagiellonian University, Institute of Sociology
Dr. Agata Dziuban (Principle Investigator)
Dr. Agata Chełstowska
Dr. Justyna Struzik
Project Funding:
The project CrimScapes is financially supported within the research programme ‘Democratic governance in a turbulent age’ by the funding organisations AKA, ANR, DFG and NCN involved in the New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe (NORFACE) network.