Futurity as Intervention
Ethnographien künstlerisch-intervenierender Ausstellungspraktiken des Zukunft-Machens. Projektzeitraum: 2022 - 2025 | Förderinstitution: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
This anthropological sub-project examines academic, artistic and museum exhibition spaces from the perspective of everyday culture. It focusses on the question as to how futures are both designed and enabled as well as renounced and rejected in curatorial practice. Interventions are conceptualized in terms of their temporal effects. They are understood as cultural practice that influence established temporal structures and that show the ability to transform these. The project seeks to examine most recent formats of participation, curation, and arts-based education both as an expression of diverse collaborative formats as well as in their normative—and indeed potentially exclusionary and thus problematic—modes of action. The three sub-project units of this project take the lifeworlds of various cultural and curatorial practices into consideration that also have project-related overlaps in the wider Berlin exhibition landscape. UP 1 is titled Interventional Temporalities: Normative and Explorative Futures of the Kochi-Muziris-Biennale; UP 2 Experimental Futures: The MfN/HU Science Campus as Future Workshop; and UP 3 Collectiveness and Radical Futures: Shared Curatorship as Intervention.
Homepage: https://www.sfb-intervenierende-kuenste.de
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