Food4Future - an ethnography of future eating
Projektzeitraum: 2020 - 2023 | Förderinstitution: BMBF
This project is part of the interdisciplinary BMBF-funded research consortium Food4Future, which aims at developing innovative solutions for the future of food. The consortium proposes two scenarios for 2050: no land and no trade. With these scenarios operating as creative disruptors, the single subprojects develop organisms, cultivation technologies, as well as economic and social analyses for the future of food.
The aim of our subproject is to investigate eating as a more-than-human practice that brings together all kinds of human and non-human actors, environments, and futures. The project serves a double function: The first is inwards, meaning an analysis of the logics and practices of the Food4Future research projects. The aim is to contextualise the Food4Future program as an effort of anticipating the future and navigating environmental uncertainty and to bring it into discussion with stakeholders and diverse social groups. The second will build on the insights from the former, meaning an ethnographic approach to the multiplicity of eating practices and practices of anticipating future food and food security.