Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Europäische Ethnologie | Das Institut | Aktuelles | [Event] PhD Conference / Dok Tage WiSe 2024/25

[Event] PhD Conference / Dok Tage WiSe 2024/25

Time: 13.02. - 14.02.25
Location: Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Anton Wilhelm Amo-Str. 40/41, 10117 Berlin, room 408/409

Program and Abstracts


Day 1: Thursday 13.02.25


09:30 - 10:00
Coffee & Arrival
Room 409

10:00 - 10:15
Welcome, News & Updates
Regina Römhild, Valentin Niebler
Room 408

10:15 - 11:20
Inclusion of those who were selected
Anna Altukhova
Room 408

11:25 - 12:15
Gatekeepers of the Grand Canal. Everyday Practices and Technological Changes of a Ship Lock Operatin Crew
Yinghan Guo
Room 408

12:15 - 13.15
Lunch Break

13:15 - 14:05
Possibilities of Celebrating Life: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Racist Bomb Attack on Cologne’s Keupstraße
Zeynep Doğusan
Room 408

14:10 - 15:00
Urban Learning Ecologies: Cohabitation, Commoning and Curation at Floating Berlin
Fotini Takirdiki
Room 408

15:00 - 15:15
Coffee Break
Room 409

15:15 - 16:20
Practicing the Microbiome. Talking, Making, and Governing the Microbiome from Food to Poop
Sabine Biedermann
Room 408

16:25 - 17:05
Body Politics, Changing Attitudes towards Ancestral and Human Remains in Berlin’s Institutions throughout the 20th Century
Anna Szöke
Room 408

17:05 - 17:20
Coffee Break

17:20 - 18:00
Displays of Violence: Exploring Ethics and Sensationalism in Crime and Policing Museums
Sasha Hnatiuk
Room 408


Day 2: Friday 14.02.25


09:30 - 10:00
Coffe & Arrival
Room 409

10:00 - 11:05
From Modelling Practices to Knowing Earth in the Anthropocene
Anja Klein

11:10 - 11:50
The Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real: Coal as Desire in North Poland
Magdalena Dabkowska
Room 408

11:50 - 13:00
Lunch Break

13.00 - 13:40
Reconfiguring Human-Environment Relations in Berlin Primary Schools
Carola von der Dick
Room 408

13:45 - 14:25
Making commodity and landscape in southern Turkey: Antep Pistachio
Canan Uçar
Room 408

14:25 - 14:40
Coffee Break

14:40 - 15:45
Nature and Culture in the Godeffroy Museum
Callum Fisher
Room 408

15:50 - 16:40
Cultures of Rejection: Transformations of labour and everyday life in socio-spatial and digital environments
Alex Harder
Room 408

16:40 - 16:55
Coffee Break

16:55 - 17:35
“When I faced a problem, they resolved it”: Encounters of international student workers from India with labour law, unions, and worker solidarity  networks in Berlin
John Aju Ghevarghese
Room 408