Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Europäische Ethnologie | Das Institut | Aktuelles | Invitation to the Event Series of the Critical Europeanisation Studies Lab at IfEE! - summer term 2024

Invitation to the Event Series of the Critical Europeanisation Studies Lab at IfEE! - summer term 2024

Post/neo/decolonial perspectives matter: Insights from research work in progress


This series will be hosted throughout the summer at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University and engages with the question: "What are post- and decolonial approaches good for?”.

A transdisciplinary group of doctoral researchers working with Regina Römhild will reflect on this question against the background of their own current research.

The Critical Europeanisation Studies Lab at IfEE is glad to invite you to this small series of presentations! 

Everyone is welcome to attend!


Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 40/41
10117 Berlin
Room 408
accessible elevator available

Friday, May 31, 10-13

Where does the postcolonial meet the decolonial – and the postmigrant?


  • Fanon's "decolonial attitude" and his critique of psychology through the lens of research on psychological vulnerability assessments in the German asylum procedure

Ricarda Theobald (RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms, IfEE Berlin)


  • The idea of „border thinking“ in research on transnational feminism in Ukraine

Vira Sachenko (RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms Potsdam)


  • Postcolonial postmigrancy - On the entanglement of two relevant perspectives for analyzing the social texture of contemporary European societies

Leoni Kesikinkilic (IfEE)



Friday June 7, 10-14

  • Postcolonialism and utopian entanglements within human/non-human relationships in the city and its natures

Saskia Köbschall (RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms, IfEE, Berlin) & Malika Stuerznickel (Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies)


  • Collective Memories of Care:Liberatory Harm Reduction on the Dancefloor

Jordan Brown (U of California, Riverside)


  • Philosemitism

Anat Kraslavsky (IRTG Transformative Religion, HU Berlin)



Friday June 21, 10-12

  • Entangled epistemology and the whiteness of engaged Buddhists 

Henya Zhang (Theology Department Berlin)


  • Postcolonial critique through the lens of the „Jubilee Movement“ in South Africa

Sabrina Keller (IRTG Transformative Religion, Berlin)


Friday July 12, 10-13

  • The development of a legal category of the „refugee“ (muhacir, mülteci) in the Ottoman Empire

Nadiye Ünsal (Sociology, Frankfurt a.M.)


  • Postcolonialism and Theology in/on/with the Holy Land, from a Jewish-Palestinian perspective

Abeer Khshiboon (Theology Department, Berlin)


  • title tbd

Sina Benyamina (IRTG Transformative Religion Berlin)