Benotungskriterien / marking criteria
Here a couple of pages on what I think makes a good piece of course work and on my marking criteria. Recommended reading for those who submit course work (or final year projects) to me. Do also have a look at the Institute's official marking guidelines.
Current Teaching
This semester I am in a research sabbatical. I am continuing supervision.
Guidelines on supervision
I supervise BA/MA thesis projects on topics related in a broad sense to urban anthropology, ecological/environmental anthropology, anthropology of the sciences, medical anthropology, science and technology studies.
Please email a brief exposé (< 1 page) to me (joerg.niewoehner (at) including:
- your research question;
- your research field;
- some idea of the literature that your ideas might relate to;
- a rough sketch of the empirical material that you would like to use and
- how you think you might be able to collect it.
I will try to get back to you with a yes/no answer within one week.
I currently do not have capacities for any further graduate student supervision outside of IRI THESys related projects.