Edited books/special issues
2020 Der Fremde Blick. Roberto Ciulli und das Theater an der Ruhr, edited with Alexander Wewerka. Berlin: Alexander Verlag.
2020 Across Anthropology. Troubling Colonial Legacies, Museums, and the Curatorial, edited with Margareta von Oswald. Leuven: Leuven University Press. (open-access)
2018 Otherwise: Rethinking Museum and Heritage’. CARMAH Paper #1, edited by Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Förster, Sharon Macdonald, Katarzyna Puzon, Margareta von Oswald. Berlin: Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
2016 ‘Micro-utopias: connections in anthropology, art, relationality and creativity’ (co-edited with Ruy Blanes, Alex Flynn, and Maïté Maskens. Journal of Art and Anthropology/ Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia. 5 (1). [link]
2015 Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance, edited with Alex Flynn. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [link]
** published in paperback in 2018
Book Chapters
2020 ‘The recursivity of the curatorial’ (with Sharon Macdonald), in: Roger Sansi. Ed. The Anthropologist as Curator. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 35-58. [LINK]
2020 ‘Phantom Palaces: Prussian Centralities and Humboldtian Horizontalities’ (with Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll), in: Jonathan Bach and Michal Murawski. Eds. Re-Centring the City. Global Mutations of Socialist Modernity. London: UCL Press. (Open-access), pp. 90–103. [LINK]
2019 Traces, Legacies, and Futures: A Conversation on Art and Temporality’ (with Nora-Al-Badri, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Silvy Chakkalakal, Alya Sebti, and Jonas Tinius). Third Text Forum 01/2020. Open-access [LINK].
2019 ‘Interstitial Agents: Negotiating Migration and Diversity in Theatre’, in: Bock, Jan-Jonathan and Sharon Macdonald. (eds) Refugees Welcome? Differences and Diversity in a Changing Germany. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 241–264. [LINK]
2018 Alterity’, in: Tinius et al. Otherwise: Rethinking Museums and Heritage. Berlin: CARMAH, pp. 40–54. [LINK to pdf of volume]
2018 ‘(Per)former de nouvelles institutions artistiques: autoritéet travail créatif au Theater an der Ruhr’, in: Troupes, compagnies, collectifs dans les arts vivants: organisations du travail, processus de création et conjonctures’, edited by Bérénice Hamidi-Kim and Séverine Ruset-Penketh. Paris: Édition L’Entretemps, pp. 407-420.
2018 ‘Artistic Diplomacy: On Civic Engagement and Transnational Theatre’, in: Breed, Ananda and Tim Prentki. (eds.) Performance and Civic Engagement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 269-300. [LINK]
2018 ‘Awkward Art and Difficult Heritage: Nazi Art Collectors and Postcolonial Archives’, in: Thomas Fillitz and Paul van der Grijp. Eds. An Anthropology of Contemporary Art: Practices, Markets, and Collectors. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 130–145. [LINK]
2017 ‘Prekarität und Ästhetisierung: Reflexionen zu postfordistischer Arbeit in der freien Theaterszene', in: Ove Sutter and Valeska Flor (eds.) Ästhetisierung der Arbeit. Kulturanalysen des kognitiven Kapitalismus. Bonner Beiträge zur Alltagskulturforschung, Band 11. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 139–156. [LINK]
2017 ‘The privilege of life itself: sovereignty, power, and the figure of the refugee’, in: Bare Lives. [Exhibition catalogue, edited by Mario Rizzi, based on an exhibition curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen.] Berlin: Archive books, pp. 68–75. [LINK]
2017 ‘Anthropologische Beobachtungen zu künstlerischer Subjektivierung und institutioneller Reflexivität: Das Theaterprojekt Ruhrorter mit Geflüchteten am Theater an der Ruhr’, in: Matthias Warstat et al. 2017. Applied Theatre – Frames and Positions. Berlin: Theater der Zeit, S. 205–235.
2015 ‘Between professional precariousness and creative self-organisation: the free performing arts scene in Germany’, in: Mobile Autonomy. Organizing Ourselves as Artists Today, edited by Pascal Gielen and Nico Dockx. Amsterdam: Valiz, pp. 159-181.
2015 ‘Reflecting on political performance: Introducing critical perspectives’ (co-authored with Alex Flynn), in: Anthropology, Theatre, and Performance: The Transformative Potential of Performance, edited by Alex Flynn and Jonas Tinius. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-28.
2015 ‘Aesthetics, Ethics, and Engagement: Self-cultivation as the politics of engaged theatre', in: Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance, edited by Alex Flynn and Jonas Tinius. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171-202.
2015 ‘Activism and autonomy: political aesthetics and aesthetic politics (Editor’s Note)’, in: Anthropology, Theatre, and Performance: The Transformative Potential of Performance, edited by Alex Flynn and Jonas Tinius. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 263-267.
2015 ‘Bilder, Reisen, und Theaterlandschaften: Roberto Ciullis Theater an der Ruhr’, in: Aspekte des deutschen Theaters im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte. Hg. Lothar Schirmer, pp. 127-151.
2015 'Colonial copies and ethnographic conceptualism: artistic experiments at the intersection of anthropology, history, and science', in: Allegory of the Cave Painting. A Reader, edited by Mihnea Mircan and Vincent van Gerven Oei. Milan: Mousse Publishing, pp. 257-275.
Articles (peer-reviewed)
2020 ‘Traces, Legacies, and Futures: A Conversation on Art and Temporality’ (with Nora-Al-Badri, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Silvy Chakkalakal, Alya Sebti, and Jonas Tinius). Third Text Forum 01/2020. Open-access [LINK].
2019 ‘Value, Correspondence, and Form: Recalibrating Scales for a Contemporary Anthropology of Art (Epilogue)’. Anthrovision. Journal of the Visual Anthropology Network of the Association of Social Anthropologists. 7(1). [LINK]
2018 ‘Capacity for Character: Fiction, Ethics, and the Anthropology of Conduct’. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 26 (3): 345-360. [LINK]
2017 ‘Art as ethical practice: anthropological observations on and beyond theatre’. World Art 7(2): 227–251. Open-access article [LINK]
2016 ‘Authenticity and otherness: reflecting statelessness in German postmigrant theatre’. Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques. 14 (2016). Open-access article. [LINK]
2016 ‘Palace coups: reconstructing history in the heart of Berlin’ (with Prof Khadija von Zinnenburg). Calvert Journal. June 2016. [LINK]
2016 ‘Rehearsing detachment: refugee theatre and dialectical fiction’. Journal of Art and Anthropology/Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia. 5(1): 21-38.
2016 ‘Micro-utopias: anthropological perspectives on art, creativity, and relationality’ (introduction to special issue). With Ruy Blanes, Alex Flynn, and Maïté Maskens. Journal of Art and Anthropology/Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia. 5(1): 5-20.
2015 ‘Institutional formations and artistic critique in German ensemble theatre’. Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts. 20(4): 71-77.
2015 ‘Authorisation’ (Glossary entry). Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts. Special Issue: On Institutions, edited by Gigi Argyropoulou and Hypatia Vourloumis. 20 (4): 129.
2015 ‘Was für ein Theater. Überlegungen zum Spielraum zwischen ethnografischer Praxis und performativer Kunst', in: Katrin Amelang und Silvy Chakkalakal. Hg. 'Abseitiges. An den Rändern der Kulturanthropologie'. Berliner Blätter: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge. Heft 68/2015. Berlin: Panama Verlag, S. 30-42.
2014 ‘Engaging Anthropology and Art’. Anthropology Today. 30 (6): 22-23.
2012 ‘Art in Adorno’s Ethical Thought: Negative Utopias in a Wrong Life’. Cambridge Humanities Review. 5-9.
2016 Sansi, Roger (2015): Art, Anthropology and the Gift. London: Bloomsbury. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 22 (1): 215-216.
2016 Stegemann, Bernd (2015): Lob des Realismus. Theatre Research International. 41 (1): 86-87.
2014 Alloa, Emmanuel (2013): Erscheinung und Ereignis: Zur Zeitlichkeit des Bildes. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 6 October 2014.
2013 Nowak, Anja (2012): Elemente einer Ästhetik des Theatralen in Adornos Ästhetischer Theorie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 25 July 2013.
2013 Feature Review Article: ‘40,000 years of Modern Art: A Re-Enactment’. Written and directed by Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Commissioned for 'On Language', curated by Lauren Godfrey. Visual Arts Australia.
Public Engagement & Short Articles
2017 ‘Art and Anachronisms.’ Second column for ifa-gallery 2017-2018 one-year programme Untie to tie: Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Societies, ifa-Galerie, Berlin/Germany. [LINK]
2017 ‘The Porosity of Darkness: A Conversation on Architecture, Multimedia Arts, and the Venice Biennale’ (with Danish artist Kirstine Roeppstorff and curator of the Danish Pavilion Solvej Helweg Ovesen). Mousse Magazine. 13 September 2017. [LINK]
2017 ‘Sparring Partners: An Introduction to the Gallery Reflections Series’, opening online column for ifa-gallery 2017-2018 one-year programme Untie to tie: Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Societies, ifa-Galerie, Berlin/Germany. [LINK]
2017 ‘Bare Lives: A Conversation’ (Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Mario Rizzi, Jonas Tinius), in: Bare Lives, edited by Mario Rizzi, based on an exhibition curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen.] Berlin: Archive books, pp. 68–75.
2017 ‘Europas Interne Andere: Ein Gespräch mit dem Kurator und Künstler Moritz Pankok’. CARMAH Reflections article. Published on 4 May 2017. [LINK]
2016 ‘Economy, Happiness, and the Good Life’. An Interview with Prof Edward Fischer (Vanderbilt) on The Good Life. King’s Review. 2016 (1): 90–102. [LINK]
2016 ‘Institutions’ (with Lidia Rossner). Entry in GRAPA research group web dictionary, in collaboration with the ‘Anthropology of Art’ interest group of VANEASA (Visual Anthropology section of the European Association of Social Anthropologists). June 2016.
2015 'Der Theaterberater'. Interview. Magazin Tanzraumberlin. 11/2015.
2015 ‘Theatre and Democracy’. Interview. Revista Cardamomo [Portuguese & English]. 20 October 2015.
2015 ‘New Anthropologies of Political Performance’. Allegra Laboratory. 19 Oct 2015.
2015 ‘Good without God?’ Interview with Prof Matthew Engelke (Anthropology, LSE). King’s Review. 5 August 2015.
2015 ‘State of the art relations: new approaches to the anthropology of art’ (co-authored with Alex Flynn). British Academy Blog. Published 13 March 2015.
2015 Translation, ‘Pussy Riot’s Moscow Trials: Restaging Political Protest and Juridical Metaperformance’, in: Flynn, Alex and Jonas Tinius (eds): Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 279-285.
2015 ‘‘15 Minutes’: Artistic responses to German refugee temporalities’. Allegra Laboratory. February 2015.
2014 ‘The Politics of Framing and Staging. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Performance’. Allegra Laboratory. 13 November 2014.