Forthcoming 2025
Temptations in Ruin: sovereign accumulation and the making of post-genocide Turkey (University of Pennsylvania Press)
Navaro, Y., Biner, Z.Ö., von Bieberstein, A. & Altug, S. (eds.) Reverberations:Violence across Time and Space. Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press.
Peer-reviewed articles
“A village, depo and a grazing ground: three sites of Armenian heritage in Eastern Turkey between indifference and a speculative future of faith tourism” Heritage and Society
“Spoils and treasures: on war economies, citizenship and exceptional governance in Turkish Kurdistan” Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.
“Sovereign extractions, extractive sovereignty”, co-authored with Erdem Evren, Anthropological Theory, Vol. 24(3): 225-237.
“Renewing an ‘Armenian’ neighbourhood: Recursive dispossession and the history of extractive sovereignty in Turkey”, Anthropological Theory, Vol. 24(3): 238-257.
“Holes of Plenty” Etnofoor, Vol. 33(2): 75-90
“Treasure/Fetish/Gift: Hunting for 'Armenian gold' in post-genocide Turkish Kurdistan”, Subjectivity 10(2): 170-189. Available at:
“Surviving Hrant Dink: carnal mourning under the specter of senselessness”, Social Analysis 61(1): 55-68, a special issue on ‘Post-Ottoman Topologies’ edited by Nicolas Argenti.
“Not a German Past to be Reckoned with: Negotiating Migrant Subjectivities between Vergangenheitsbewältigung and the Nationalization of History”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI) 22 (4): 902-919.
“From Aggressive Humanism to Improper Mourning: Burying the victims of Europe’s border regime in Berlin”, co-authored with Erdem Evren, Social Research 83(2): 453-479.
Book chapters
“No Witness to Roots: On the (epistemologically troubling) figure of the ‘Islamized Armenian’” in Çelik, A.; Maksudyan, N. & Yildirim, E.Y. (eds.) Studying the Armenian Genocide through Life Story Documents and Biographies (Berghahn, expected 2024)
“Introduction. Reverberations of Violence Across Time and Space” co-authored with Navaro, Y.; Biner, Z.Ö. & Altug, S. in ‘Reverberations: Violence across Time and Space.’ (Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press). Pp.: 1-29.
“Speculating on Death: Treasure Hunting in Present-Day Moush” in Altug, S., Biner, Z., Navaro, Y & von Bieberstein, A. (eds.) ‘Reverberations: Violence across Time and Space’ (Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press). Pp: 63-82.
“Memorial miracle: Inspiring Vergangenheitsbewältigung between Berlin and Istanbul” in Gabowitsch, Mischa (ed.) ‘Replicating Atonement: Foreign Models in the Commemoration of Atrocities’ (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan).
“Surrogate apologies, sublated differences: contemporary visions of post-national futures in Turkey under the spectre of the Left” in Karakatsanis, L. & Papadogiannis, N. (eds.) ‘The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece & Cyprus: Performing the Left Since the Sixties’ (London: Routledge). Pp. 56-74.
Other publications
“Völkermordleugnung in Deutschland? Transnationale Gewaltgeschichte, türkischer Nationalismus und postmigrantische Perspektiven auf Erinnerung“ Berliner Blätter 98: 83-97.
"The politics of condemnation” Allegra Lab series ‘Framing Gaza’, November 2023
„Aghet, Armenisch für: die Katastrophe“, taz, 15.3.2023
Commentary to Smith, A.T. “Unseeing the Past: Archaeology and the Legacy of the Armenian Genocide” Current Anthropology 63(S25): S56-S90.
„Was kommt danach? Solidarität mit bedrohten Wissenschaftler*innen in und aus der Türkei“, co-authored with Corinna Trogisch and Steffen Käthner, Forum Wissenschaft1/9: 24-31.
“’Violated obligations’: WWII Turkey and its Jews” (book review of ‘Turkey, the Jews and the Holocaust’ by Corry Guttstadt), Turkish Review Vol. 4(1): 101-103 (
“The What of Occupation: ‘You took our cemetery, you won’t have our park!” Co-authored with Nora Tataryan, for Fieldsights-Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology Online. October 31, 2013 (