Panels, Workshops, Talks
July 2024:
Towards atmospheric care: Undoing environmental violence, experimenting with ecologies of support, Panel @ Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, University of Barcelona, co-organised with Tomás S. Criado & Emma Garnett.
March 2024:
Aerial leakages: Entanglements, Knowledges and Interventions in Urban Airs. Panel @ Leakage. Inaugural stsing e.V. Conference at TU Dresden, co-organised with Brett Mommersteeg & Maximilian Hepach.
January 2023:
HEATMATTERS: Disturbing Air, Bodies, and Infrastructures. Workshop co-organised with Ignacio Farías in the context of the ERC project “Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves come to matter in Contemporary Urbanism (WAVEMATTERS)”, IfEE HU Berlin.
October 2022:
“Seeing” through multispecies perspectives: Mobilizing nature to the city and the city to beyond. Panel co-organised with Santiago Orrego and Indrawan Prabaharyaka, European Sociological Association RN37 (Urban Sociology) Midterm-Conferenz 2022: “Seeing Like a City/Seeing the City Through”, Georg-Simmel-Zentrum, HU Berlin.
July 2022:
Sensing and Making Sense of cities as wave fields. A multimodal tour through “hot spots” in Madrid. Special Format co-organisiert mit Ignacio Farías und Jorge Martín Sainz de los Terreros, Conference of the European Association of Science and Technology Studies (EASST), Madrid.
TALKS (selection)
“Stuck and ethnographing in the heat. On doing anthropology as a co-crafting of ‘ecologies of support’”, Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, University of Barcelona, 23. - 26. 07. 2024.
“’How to stand the heat?’ Materializations of heat in multispecies practices of thermostating urban air in Podgorica”, Research Colloquium in European Ethnology @ Chair for Cultural Studies/European Ethnology University of Mainz, 19. 06. 2024
“Mobilizing leakages to condition one’s air: Inventive and subversive hacks of aerial capsules in Downtown Vegas”, Leakage: Inaugural Conference of stsing e.V., Technical University Dresden, 19. - 22. 03. 2023.
“Sensing and conditioning heat as a multispecies endeavour. Reflections on doing ethnography with humans and dogs in hot cities”, Conference of the German Association of Cultural- and Social Anthropology: Contested Knowledge: Anthropological Perspectives, University of Munich, 25. - 28. 07. 2023.
“Thermodynamic circulations: Ideas and Reflections upon ethnographing and conceptualizing heat in urban spaces”, (with Indrawan Prabaharyaka & Margherita Tess), STS-Hub 2023, Aachen, 15. - 17. 03. 2023.
“Stadt-Atmen: Urban-ethnografische multispezies-Unternehmungen in der Luft”, Deutscher Kongress für Geografie: Planetary Futures, University of Frankfurt, 20. - 23. 09. 2023.
"How to stand the heat? On multispecies practices of conditioning the air", talk at the workshop HEATMATTERS: Disturbing Air, Bodies, and Infrastructures, organised by ERC WAVEMATTERS: Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves come to matter in Contemporary Urbanism, Stadtlabor für Multimodale Anthropologie, IfEE, HU Berlin. January 13, 2023.
Audio-Documentary available here:
Ethnographing (in) Europe – Multispecies reflections and suggestions from the margins, contribution to the roundtable: Meanings of Europe. Ethnological Perspectives from Scotland and Montenegro, Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology University of Graz, 12. 12. 2022.
Thinking through and with ‘lutalice’: Mobilizing straying dogs as a perspective on a city as a multispecies meshwork, European Sociological Association RN37 (Urban Sociology) Midterm-Conference “Seeing Like a City/Seeing the City Through”, Georg-Simmel-Centre Berlin, 5. – 7. 10. 2022.
Collaborative “urban heat maps” as modes of doing a multimodal urban Anthropology, panel: Commoning Practices in multimodal ethnography, org. Melissa Nolas & Christos Varvantakis, Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast 26. – 29. Juli 2022.
Ethnografische Grenzgänge? Multi-sited, multispezies und multimodale Rück- und Ausblicke. Vortrag auf dem Symposium anlässlich Katharina Eisch-Angus‘ 60. Geburtstag, Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology University, University of Graz, 24. 06. 2022.
Anthropology at home? (I): Contextualizing knowledge (production) on urban human(street)dog relations between Graz and Podgorica, Vortrag auf dem Workshop Unsettling the Hegemonic Gaze: Translation and Transfer of Knowledge on Southeast Europe, org. Čarna Brković & Ursula Rütten, University Regensburg, Leibniz Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropa Forschung, 29. – 30. April 2022.
Designing contact zones: Ethnographic research into relationships between humans and stray dogs in Podgorica = table tack, Episode 10 of the Indian Animal Studies Collective, org. Anu Pande & Susan Haris, 12. 11. 2012:
Doing urban anthropology with a dog. Reflections upon ethnography and knowledge production in the context of a more-than-human research entanglement, panel: Towards a multimodal urban anthropology, org. Ignacio Farías & Tomás Criado, Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Bremen 27. – 30. September 2021.
Multispecies Perceptual Walking - Some reflections and ideas. Anthropology beyond text? Experiments, devices and platforms of multimodal ethnographic practice. Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, IfEE HU Berlin, 23. 7. 2021.
Multispecies Spacemaking. Thoughts on relational agentive mobilities of street dogs in Podgorica (Montenegro). Kongress der Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF): Breaking the rules? Power, Participation, Transgression, University of Helsinki – digital conference, 21. 6. 2021.
The Ćemovsko Dogs. Thoughts on an urban anthropology beyond the human. Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): “New anthropologial horizons in and beyond Europe”, University Lisbon - Digital Conference, 23. 07. 2020.
Tracking “Europeanization” in the field of relations between humans and street dogs in Podgorica, Posterpräsentation, Kongress der Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore: “Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World”, Universität Santiago de Compostela, 15. 04. 2019.
Ethnographers and Nonhuman Actors. Introduction to Multispecies Ethnography, Lecture at the Department of Ethnology, University of Turku (FIN), 18. 02. 2019.
Challenges of Multispecies Ethnography. On researching relations between humans and stray dogs in the urban culture of Podgorica (Montenegro), at the Conference “Ethnography with a twist”, University Jyväskylä (FIN), 13. 02. 2019.