- Zaudern ums Gemeinwohl. Produktive Missverstaendnisse in der kooperativen Stadtantwicklung (co-authored with F. Marlow und R. Wall). Berlin: adocs Verlag, 2024 (open access)
- Kultursoziologische Stadtforschung. Grundlagen, Analysen, Perspektiven (co-authored with Martina Löw, Silke Steets und Thomas Schmidt-Lux), Campus, 2023 (open access)
Edited Volumes/Special Issues
- (Forthcoming) Planning Miseducation (co-edited with Jörg Stollman et al), Barcelona: dpr-barcelona
- Atlas of Spatial Figures (co-edited with Silke Steets and Nikolaus Gansterer). Jovis, 2025 (open access)
- Elemental Urbanism: Engaging the terrestrial in city making (co-edited with Laura Kemmer), Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Vol 87, 2024
- The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory (Co-Eds. Anders Blok & Celia Roberts), London, New York: Routledge, 2019
- Re-learning Design: Pedagogical Experiments with STS in Design Studio Courses (Co-Ed. Tomás S. Criado), in Journal Diseña, 2018
- Technical Democracy as a Challenge for Urban Studies (Co-Ed. Anders Blok), in Journal CITY, 2016
- Urban Cosmopolitics: Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres (Co-Ed. Anders Blok), London, New York: Routledge, 2016
- Studio Studies. Operations, Topologies & Displacements (Co-Ed. Alex Wilkie). London, New York: Routledge, CRESC Book Series, 2015
- Cosmopolíticas (Co-Ed. Israel Rodriguez und David Rojas), in Journal of political theory Pléyade, Number 14, December 2014
- Comunicaciones, Semánticas y Redes. Usos y Desviaciones de la Sociología de Niklas Luhmann (Co-Ed. José Ossandón). Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana Editores, 2011
- Urban assemblages. How actor-network theory changes urban studies (Co-Ed. Thomas Bender). London, New York: Routledge, 2009
- Observando Sistemas. Nuevas apropiaciones y usos de la teoría de Niklas Luhmann (Co-Ed. José Ossandón). Santiago de Chile: RIL Editores, 2006
Journal Articles/Book Chapters
- „Zur Ökologisierung der Raumtheorie: eine Einladung“. In Kibel, J., Meier, N., Steets, S., & Weidenhaus, G. (Hrsg.), Figuring Out Spaces: Über die Sozialität von Räumen und die Räumlichkeit des Sozialen. (S. 331-344). Bielefeld: transcript.
- “Elemental Urbanism: Engaging the terrestrial in city making” (with Laura Kemmer), Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Vol 87: 1-8
- “Gardening in Public Spaces: From Comfort to Care” (with Kristiane Fehrs),
Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Vol 87: 129-140
- "Cities: Stories of urban STS" (with Tomás Criado). In: Felt, Ulrike & Irwin, Alan. Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Studies. Edward Elgar, pp. 533-543
"Smart City New Deals: Unpacking the recursive entanglements of infrastructures and administrations" (with Julia Valeska Schröder and Claudia Mendes). In: Olivier Coutard and Daniel Florentin. Handbook of Infrastructures and Cities. Edward Elgar: 77-91
- “The expression of a camera system: radicalizing pragmatism with Antoine Hennion”. In: Loïc Riom, Sophie Tabouret, Anne-Sophie Haeringer, Jérôme Denis & Morgan Meyer (Eds.) Enquêter sur ce qui arrive. Mélanges offerts à Antoine Hennion. Paris: Presses de Mines, 93-107
- “Hitze und Gesundheit in städtischen Räumen. Eine Rückschau aus der Perspektive kulturwissenschaftlicher Stadtforschung“ (with Elisabeth Luggauer). In: Jörg Pohlan, Frank Othengrafen, Simon Güntner, Henning Nuissl & Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber (Eds.), Jahrbuch StadtRegion 2023/2024. Stadt, Raum und Gesundheit. Springer VS, pp. 197-216
- “How would animals and architects co-design if we built the right contract?” (with Tomás Criado and Felix Remter). In: M. Tironi, M. Chilet, P. Hermansen & C. Marín (Eds.) Design For More-Than-Human Futures: Towards Post-Anthropocentric Worlding. London: Routledge
- "How to game ethnography” (with Tomás Criado). In: T. Criado & A. Estalella: An Ethnographic Inventory: Field Devices for Anthropological Inquiries. London: Routledge
- “Multimodal Values: The Challenge of Institutionalizing and Evaluating More-than-textual Ethnography” (with Tomás Criado and Julia Schroeder). Entanglements. Experiments in Multimodal Ethnography, Vol. 5(1-2): 94-107
2022 - German translation: "Multimodale Werte: Zur Institutionalisierung mehr-als-textueller Ethnographie" (with Tomás Criado and Julia Schröder). In I. Kölz & M. Fenske (Eds.), Lebenswelten gestalten. Neue Felder und Forschungszugänge einer Designanthropologie (pp.27-43). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag
- „Die Räume der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie: Über die Formation, Deformation und Transformation des Sozialen“ (with Julio Paulus). In: Heinrich, J./Marguin, S./Million, A./Stollmann, J. Methoden der qualitativen Raumforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Wiesbaden: DG Verlag
- “Für eine Anthropologie des Urbanismus. Ethnographisch Städte bauen“, Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, Vol. 116(2): 171-192
- „Urban Cosmopolitics“ (with Anders Blok). In: Schwanen, Tim/van Kempen, Ronald (Eds.) Handbook of Urban Geography.
- "Actor-network theory as a companion: an inquiry into intellectual practices" (with Anders Blok and Celia Roberts). In: Blok, Anders/Farías, Ignacio/ Roberts, Celia: The Routledge companion to Actor-Network Theory. London: Routledge, pp. xx-xxxv
- “Urban Cosmopolitics” (with Anders Blok). In: Schwanen, Tim/van Kempen, Ronald (Eds): Handbook of Urban Geography, Cheltenham, Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-62
- “Don’t Fix the Puddle. A Puddle Archive as Ethnographic Account of Sidewalk Assemblages” (with Mirja Busch). In F. Martínez & P. Laviolette (Eds.) Repair, Breakages, Breakthroughs: Ethnographic Responses. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 115–120.
- “Re-learning Design: Pedagogical Experiments with STS in Design Studio Courses” (with Tomás S. Criado), Diseña, N. 12: 14-29
- “Co-laborations, Entrapments, Intraventions: Pedagogical Approaches to Technical Democracy in Architectural Design” (with Tomás S. Criado), Diseña, N. 12: 228-255
2019 - German version: "Erfahren: Experimente mit technischer Demokratie in Entwurfskursen” (with Tomás Criado). In S. Marguin, H. Rabe, W. Schäffner & F. Schmidgall (Eds.) Experimentieren. Vergleich experimenteller Kulturen in Wissenschaft und Gestaltung Repair. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 57-70
- “Ordinary smart cities: How calculated users, professional citizens, technology companies and city administrations engage in a more-than-digital politics” (with Sarah Widmer). Technoscienza, Vol. 8(2): 43-60
- “Sourcing Newness. Ways of Inducing Indeterminacy” (with Michael Hutter). Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 10(5): 434-449
- “An Idiotic Catalyst. Accelerating the Slowing Down of Thinking and Action”. Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 32(1): 34-40
- “A different state of exception: Governing urban reconstruction in post 27-F Chile” (with Patricio Flores). Urban Studies 54(5): 1108-1125
- „STS in the City“ (with Anders Blok). In: Miller, Clark A./Felt, Ulrike/Fouché, Ray/Smith-Doerr, Laurel (Eds.) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
- “Introduction: Technical Democracy as a Challenge for Urban Studies” (with Anders Blok). CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, Vol. 20, Issue 4: 539-548
- “Devising Hybrid Forums: Technical Democracy in a Dangerous World”. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, Vol. 20, Issue 4: 549-562
- „Assemblages“. In: Jayne, Mark/Ward, Kevin (Eds.): Urban Theory: New Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 41-50
- „Humans as Vectors and Intensities. Becoming Urban in Berlin and New York City“. (with Stephan Hoehne) In: Deleuze and the City. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 17-32
- “Introducing urban cosmopolitics. Multiplicity and the search for a common world” (with A. Blok). In: Blok, Anders/Farías, Ignacio (Eds.) Urban Cosmopolitics. Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres. London: Routledge, pp. 1-22
- “Whose urban cosmos, which urban cosmopolitics? Assessing the route travelled and the one ahead” (with A. Blok). In: Blok, Anders/Farías, Ignacio (Eds.) Urban Cosmopolitics. Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres. London: Routledge, pp. 227-244
- “Städtisches Leben von und mit Schadstoffen. Materielle Intimität als Einschränkung urbaner Dingpolitik”. Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge 69: 70-83
- „Building a park, immunising life: Environmental management and radical asymmetry“ (with Manuel Tironi), Geoforum, Vol. 66: 167-175
- “Culture and ANT” (mit Sophie Mützel), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2ndEdition
- „Studio Studies: Notes for a research Programme“ (with Alex Wilkie). In: Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London: Routledge
- „Studio operations: Manipulation, storage and hunting in desert landscapes“. In: Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London: Routledge
- “Improvising a market, making a model. Social housing policy in Chile during Pinochet’s neoliberal ‘modernisation’ and post-disaster reconstruction after the 2010 earthquake”, in Economy and Society
2015 -
- “Misrecognizing tsunamis: ontological politics and cosmopolitical challenges in early warning systems”, in Sociological Review Vol. 62(S1): 61-87
2019 - ¿Cómo no reconocer un tsunami? Política ontológica y desafíos cosmopolíticos en sistemas de alerta temprana, in: Alejandro Espinoza, Francisca Ortiz Ruiz & Nicolás Sanhueza Rodríguez (Eds.) Tecnopoliticas. Aproximaciones a los estudios de ciencia tecnología y sociedad en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Alberto Hurtado.
- “Epistemische Dissonanz. Zur Vervielfältigung von Entwurfsalternativen in der Architektur“, in S. Ammon & E. Froschauer (Eds.) Wissenschaft Entwerfen? Vom forschenden Entwerfen zur Entwurfsforschung der Architektur. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013, S. 76-107
2015 - English Version: „Epistemic Dissonance. Reconfiguring valuation in architectural practice“. In: Berthoin Antal, Ariane/Hutter, Michael/Stark, David (Eds.): Moments of Valuation. Exploring Sites of Dissonance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015: 271-289
- “Heteronomie und Notwendigkeit. Wie Architekt/innen Wettbewerbsbeiträge entwickeln“, in M. Tauschek (Ed.) Kulturen des Wettbewerbs. Waxmann, S. 173-193
2017 - Spanish version: „Heteronomía y Necesidad. El Ensamblaje de Proyectos para Concursos de Arquitectura“. In: Rodríguez Morató, Arturo/Santana-Acuña, Álvaro (Eds.) La Nueva Sociología de las Artes. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2017, pp. 245-267
2022 - English version: "Heteronomy and necessity. How architects design for architectural competitions". in: Rodríguez Morató, Arturo/Santana-Acuña, Álvaro (Eds.) Sociology of the Arts in Action, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 47-67
- “La diferenciación de los colectivos. Ensamblajes, comunicaciones y simetría total”, in D. López & F. Tirado (Eds.) Teoría del actor-red: más allá de los estudios de ciencia y tecnología. Barcelona, Editorial Amentia, S. 301-330
2014 - English version: “Virtual attractors, actual assemblages: How Luhmann’s theory of communication complements actor-network theory”, in European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 17(1): 24-41
- “Destinations as virtual objects of tourist communication”, in R. van der Duim, G. T. Jóhannesonn & C. Ren (Eds.) Actor-Network Theory and Tourism: Ontologies, Methodologies und Performances. London: Routledge, S. 128-145
- “Kulturen als soziomaterielle Welten”, in P. Birle, M. Dewey & A. Mascareno (Eds.) Durch Luhmanns Brille. Herausforderungen an Gesellschaft, Politik und Recht in Lateinamerika und in der Weltgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, S. 173-204
2014 - Spanish version: “Cultura: la performación de mundos sociomateriales”, in Convergencia: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 21(64): 65-91
- “The politics of urban assemblages”, CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, Vol. 15(3-4), S. 365-374
- "Ensamblajes urbanos: La TAR y la exploración de la ciudad”, Athenea Digital. Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social, Vol. 20, S. 15-40
- “Tourist maps as diagrams of destination space”, Space and Culture, Vol. 14(3): 398-414
- “Luhmann para qué?/Why Luhmann?” (with José Ossandón), in I. Farías & J. Ossandón (Eds.) Comunicaciones, Semánticas y Redes. Usos y Desviaciones de la Sociología de Niklas Luhmann. Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana Verlag, S. 11-62
- “Adieu à Bourdieu? Asimetrías, límites y paradojas en la noción de habitus”, in Convergencia: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 17(54): 11-34
- “Sightseeing buses: cruising, timing and the montage of attractions”, Mobilities, Vol. 5(3): 387-407
- “Spatial arrangements and mediation in sightseeing bus-tours”, in J. Richter (Ed.) The Tourist City Berlin: Tourism & Architecture. Berlin: Verlagshaus Braun, S. 201-219
“Introduction: Decentering the object of urban studies”, in I. Farías & T. Bender (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 1-24
“The reality of urban tourism: Framed activity and virtual ontology”, in I. Farías & T. Bender (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 209-228
“Intimidad cultural en espacios de consumo. El Mall Plaza Vespucio y la imposibilidad de una cultura pública”, in M. Tironi & F. Pérez (Eds.) SCL: Espacios, Prácticas y Cultura Urbana en Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile: ARQ Editores, S. 16-29
“Buses turísticos en Santiago: identidad y límites de la representación social (mit José Ossandón and Mirja Busch), Revista 180, Vol. 23: 52-55
- “Destination Berlin. Orderings of city-identity in contemporary tourist guidebooks”, in Zeithistorische Forschungen. Studies in Contemporary History, Vol. 4(3): 422-433
- “La persistencia de lo nacional. La reunificación alemana y la distinción Ossi/Wessi”, in Re-Lea. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Avanzados. Vol. 24: 107-150
- “A la búsqueda del ‘urbanismo europeo’: Un reporte desde Berlín”, in EURE. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales, Vol. 31(94): 119-127
“Recontextualizando Luhmann. Lineamientos para una lectura contemporánea” (with José Ossandón), in I. Farías & J. Ossandón (Eds.) Observando Sistemas. Nuevas apropiaciones y usos de la teoría de Niklas Luhmann. Santiago de Chile: RIL Editores, S. 17-54
“Cultura: la distinction de unidades societales”, in I. Farías & J. Ossandón (Eds.) Observando Sistemas. Nuevas apropiaciones y usos de la teoría de Niklas Luhmann. Santiago de Chile: RIL Editores, S. 323-364
- “Zukunft zum Greifen nah. Strukturelle Bedingungen, Semantiken und Verortung des Berliner Stadtmarketing”, in Berliner Blätter, Vol. 37(3): 22-31
- “Elementos para el estudio de la cultura”, in Revista MAD, Vol. 6: 1-36
Multimodal Work
- 2022. WASTE WHAT?, an open-source cooperative game on the many ways we can reuse stuff. CC NY NC SA Trash Games project.
- 2021. House of Gossip, open-source game on the housing and real estate market. CC BY NC SA Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, HU Berlin.
- 2021. Playing with method: Game design as ethnographic research. Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology lecture series, HU Berlin.
- 2019-2018. Spiele als Stadtforschung / Games as Urban Research. Games developed by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology (Diana Mammana, Tan Weigand, Lilian Krischer, Lena Heiss, Leonie Schipke, Indrawan Prabaharyaka, Marie Aline Klinger, Tomás Sánchez Criado and Ignacio Farías) for the Open Form neu denken exhibition. October 25-27, 2019. Organised by the ZK/U at the Werkstatt of Haus der Statistik, Berlin.
Other Publications
- “Über städtische Gefüge und Kosmopolitik. Studierende im Gespräch mit Ignacio Farías“ Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge
- “How to inherit from Barcelona” In: EASST Review 35(4): 3-4
- "Editorial: A collaborative turn in STS?“ In: EASST Review 35(1): 3-4
- „For a sociology of maquettes. Interview with Antoine Hennion“. In: Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements. London: Routledge
- "Editorial: STS and Human Drama.“ In: EASST Review 34(3): 3-4
- "Editorial: For Members Only?“ In: EASST Review 34(1): 3-4
- “Interview with Nigel Thrift”, in Farías, I. & T. Bender (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 109-120
- “Interview with Stephen Graham”, in Farías, I. & T. Bender (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 197-205
- “Interview with Rob Shields”, in Farías, I. & T. Bender (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 291-302
- “Hacia una nueva ontología de lo social. Manuel DeLanda en entrevista”, in Persona y Sociedad, Vol. 22(1): 75-85
- “Gebt mir einen Doppeldecker und ich werde die Stadt von dessen Dach aus verwandeln”, in Die Stütze, Stadtmagazin, n°10, S. 5-8