Hans Berner
Skateboarding and social inequality in Cape Town and Johannesburg
Mentors: Prof. Beate Binder, Prof. Katharina Schramm
Globally a discourse emphasizing 'positive effects' of sports on individuals and societies is evident thus substantiating the promotion of sports and sports architecture as sociospatial interventions.
With my doctoral thesis I strive to give insights into one current sub-field within the mentioned context: skateboarding and skateparks. The promotion of skateboarding (in urban environments) by governmental and non-governmental actors became a popular phenomenon in the so called Western World since the 1970s. This trend has since spread globally and is noticeable in South Africa as well.
My research interest is to explore the social relations generated through skateboarding in South African urban spaces from an intersectional and historical perspective.
Urban Anthropology, South Africa, Intersectionality, Right to the City, Sports Sociology, Youth Cultures
E-Mail: hansberner@gmx.de